Customer Management

Detailed, accurate customer information is priceless. Which is why the Actindo Customer Management module is designed to provide a smooth and straightforward way to manage all data.

After orders are imported from any connected stores or marketplaces, customer master data is then automatically created, or existing master data records are recognized, updated and expanded as required.


Benefits of the Customer Management module

  • Easy management of customers’ master data  
  • Automated updating of existing master data records when importing orders  
  • Data can be individually expanded with additional fields via the Actindo DataHub  
  • Automatic storage of customer data when importing orders from any sales channel 

Interlinked and automated customer management


Management of Customer Data

All kinds of customer information, such as addresscontact databank details, etc., can be stored in our system. In addition, multiple addresses can be stored and managed for each customer master.   


Individual logic and Process Integration

Stored customer data can be used to create individual logic and integrated into any process using the Actindo Process Integration module.

Flexible Extension

You are in control of what customer information you want to store. With the Actindo DataHub, the master data records can be flexibly extended with additional fields and thus adapted to your individual needs.  

Automated Import

Customer data is automatically captured and stored in the module when importing orders from any store or marketplace. Existing data records could be thus updated in the process.  

Full customer data at a glance

No matter which sales channels your customers use to order, all data is valuable. However, keeping a separate master data collection for each marketplace is confusing and unproductive.

With Actindo, all orders from all connected channels are imported into the platform and the customer master data is automatically stored in the customer management module. This means you will always have an overview of all data and can manage customer information centrally: this is how customer centricity works today.

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Secure management of your data

Anyone who collects customer information must manage it with the utmost care. Handling this data safely is essential in order to avoid costly mishaps. 

Actindo ensures not only effective but also secure management of your customers’ information. Our platform is GDPR compliant and offers high security standards. For example, you can specifically set who gets access to which data and access histories can be fully tracked. 

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Sie haben weitere Fragen? Unten finden Sie Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen. Sollte Ihre Frage nicht dabei sein, kontaktieren Sie uns einfach. Unsere Experten helfen Ihnen gerne weiter.
Kann ich mein jetziges ERP weiterhin nutzen?

Absolut! Die Core1-Lösung von Actindo ist konzipiert, sich schrittweise in Ihre bestehende Infrastruktur zu integrieren. Eine komplette Systemumstellung ist nicht erforderlich. Bei Actindo haben wir über zehn Jahre Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit weltweit angesehenen Unternehmen. Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf, um Ihre genauen Anforderungen zu besprechen.

Wie viel kostet die Actindo Core1?

Die Kosten hängen von Ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen, Ihrer vorhandenen Systemlandschaft und dem monatlichen Auftragsvolumen ab. Wir stimmen unsere flexible Lösung immer ganz genau auf Ihre Anforderungen ab. Unsere Experten besprechen Ihre individuellen Anforderungen gerne in einem kurzen Telefonat.

Sind meine Daten sicher?

Alle Daten werden auf Actindo-eigenen, sicheren Servern in Deutschland gespeichert, die vom TÜV unabhängig zertifiziert wurden. Unsere Mitarbeiter haben keinen Zugriff auf Ihre Daten, es sei denn, Sie erteilen diesen ausdrücklich für den einzelnen Actindo-Mitarbeiter und für einen definierten Zeitraum. Unser Unternehmen und unsere Prozesse sind nach ISO9001 zertifiziert, sodass jeder Zugriff und jede Datenverwendung eindeutig nachgewiesen werden kann. Damit gewährleisten wir die höchsten GDPR-Standards der EU.

Wie lange dauert die Integration?

Je nach Ihren individuellen Anforderungen kann die Anwendung innerhalb weniger Monate in Betrieb genommen werden. Als Mitglied der MACH Alliance sind die IT-Lösungen von Actindo Microservices-basiert, API-first, Cloud-native und Headless. So können wir die Anwendungen innerhalb kürzester Zeit in Ihre vorhandene Systemlandschaft integrieren.

Welche Anbindungen sind verfügbar?

Actindo pflegt Partnerschaften mit namenhaften Anbietern von E-Commerce-Lösungen und Integrationen. Von Salesforce über Shopify und Amazon bis zu eBay – wir unterstützen Sie in allen Bereichen. Mehr Details dazu finden Sie auf unserer Seite zu Anbindungen.

Frequently-Asked Questions

Want to know more? We've collected some of the most commonly-asked questions below. If you don't find what you're looking for then get in touch! Our experts will be happy to help.

What is Actindo Core1?

Actindo Core1 is the world's most flexible commerce ERP. It orchestrates the building blocks of composable commerce to transform, streamline and unify any digital business model.


The API-first and MACH-certified technology features built-in data organisation and distributed order management capabilities.


This enables brands and retailers to easily extend the platform, integrate their legacy ERP system and deliver an outstanding digital experience across all channels. 

Can I keep my legacy ERP?
Absolutely - Actindo's Core1 solution is designed to integrate step-by-step with your existing infrastructure. It doesn't require a complete system overhaul, and is backed by over a decade of experience working with globally-respected companies. Get in touch with us to discuss your exact requirements.
How much does it cost?
This depends on your exact needs, existing system landscape and monthly order volumes. We will tailor our highly flexible solution to your exact requirements. Our experts are happy to discuss your exact requirements in a short call.
Is my data safe?
All your data is stored on Actindo's own, highly-secure servers in Germany, which have been independently certified by TÜV. Our employees have no access to your data, unless you specifically give this for the individual Actindo employee and for a defined period of time. Our company and our processes are certified according to ISO9001, so that any access and data use can be clearly proven. Accordingly, we ensure the highest GDPR standards of the EU.
How long will it take?
Depending on your exact needs, it could be live within a matter of months. As a member of the MACH Alliance, Actindo solutions are Microservices-based, API-first, Cloud-native and Headless. Which means that we are able to implement within your existing system landscape within a very short time.
Which integrations are available?
Actindo enjoys solution partnerships and integrations with many of the biggest names in e-commerce. From Salesforce to Shopify, and Amazon to eBay, we have you covered. See our Integrations page for more.

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